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This week, Upper School students had the chance to learn about and sign up for clubs and affinities led by their peers, as well as service opportunities from local and other service organizations as part of Fair Week.

This year's 17 affinities include: Armenian Affinity, Black Student Union, Chinese Affinity, Christian Affinity, Divergent Abilities Affinity, Filipinx Affinity, Gender Affinity, Japanese Korean Affinity, Latine Affinity, Middle Eastern & North African (MENA) Affinity, Multi-Cultural Affinity, Non-Traditional Household, Skittles Affinity, South Asian Affinity, Southeast Asian Affinity, and Taiwanese Affinity. This year’s (54!) clubs included Madhatter Knits, Mahjong Club, Chemistry Club, Dead Language Society, Comedy Club, Stemology for Kids, and SOUP (focused on art, culture, design, and collaboration).

Today students had the chance to meet with representatives from outside organizations regarding service opportunities—the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens; YMCA; and Heal the Bay were on hand as well as our very own students representing Partnership for Success, a summer enrichment program supported by four local independent schools including Westridge! On Friday, Westridge students presented their Commitments to Service projects at the Student Service Fair and Showcase.

Special shout out to the parents who joined this morning’s fair as part of the Westridge Parent Service League (PSL).

Click here to see photos from the week!